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US High School Diploma

Westminster College Bangkok

US High School Diploma at westminster college

Programme: US High School Diploma

This program covers many interesting subjects including physical and life sciences and humanities. Upon completion, students have guaranteed progression options for first year degree entry at Kings Premium Universities in the US. Through this route students can graduate from any major at any university in the US.

  • 95% of our students graduate from Top 100 universities
  • 81% of our students graduate from Top 50 universities

Top 100 US universities | Kings Premium Universities (kingseducation.com)

Student Stories | Kings Premium Universities in the US (kingseducation.com)

The program provides a fast-track route to achieving a US High School Diploma. Credit can be transferred from previous study to enable students to focus on the Credits needed to graduate.

Students can choose to study in group classes at the college or alternatively can study online from home at their own pace under the guidance and supervision of a 1-1 tutor.

Our US High School Diploma program is delivered in collaboration with Kings Premium Universities in the US.

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Programme Description

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